Local Accomodations

Shambhala Meditation Center of Albany does not offer accommodations on site. Here is a list of nearby places to stay. You may also want to go to the following sites for link to other hotels, as well as things to do while in Albany.

Hilton Garden Inn Albany Medical Center
62 New Scotland Avenue, Albany, NY 12208
(518) 396-3500
Visit their website here!

Albany Morgan Statehouse Inn
393 State Street, Albany, NY 12210
(518) 427-6063
Visit their website here!

Town Place Suites Albany (Marriott)
22 Holland Avenue, Albany, NY 12209
(518) 860-1500
Visit their website here!

Pine Haven Bed and Breakfast
531 Western Avenue, Albany, NY 12203
(518) 482-1574
Visit their website here!