Ongoing Offerings

Our center offers a rich array of weekly ongoing offerings free to the public, many of which are open to everyone. Please check the program listing for details.

Find how to get to our Shambhala Center here.

Public Meditation Schedule

meditation above

6:00 – 7:00 p.m.



Heart of Recovery

heartOpen to all—Buddhist practitioners from all traditions, Twelve Step practitioners from all programs and/or anyone struggling with addiction. Meeting format includes sitting practice, a topic offering in the form of brief comments or a reading by the night’s facilitator, discussion and exploration by group members, sharing our personal experience, strength and hope and dedication of merit. Meetings are anonymous and confidential.

Sobriety is finding a new way of living that involves engagement where there was withdrawal; generosity where there was self-centeredness; community where there was isolation; joy where there was bitterness; trust where there was cynicism.

— Kevin Griffin, One Breath at a Time: Buddhism and the Twelve Steps